In CRM Management

Common responses we hear from companies who have either just purchased Salesforce or may be considering it are…

“It’s so complicated!”

“It’s so busy.”

“I don’t even know where to start.”

To that we say, “Yes”…. “True”….and… “Let us help.”

Salesforce is definitely one of the most robust CRMs on the market. So at first, it will feel complicated and busy because it’s packed with tools and features that might not be appropriate for your needs.

Complicated? Customize!

The reality is, Salesforce is meant for customization. It’s not a generic, out-of-the-box solution because you’re not a generic company. There are actually multiple levels of the tool built around functionality because different companies have unique needs. So, what’s good enough for you today may not be effective next year as your customer relationships grow. And that’s how Better Partners can help you use Salesforce to its maximum benefit. We can re-evaluate your needs as you evolve and optimize the system for what’s relevant and urgent today.

But First…a Few Questions

Better Partners helps companies determine how to customize Salesforce with some fact finding. Why are you even thinking about implementing it for your organization? What are you trying to accomplish? Your replies allow Better Partners to discern how to optimize the platform to be an enabler for your team so you can hit business goals and objectives.

Remember, Salesforce Works for You

Again, it comes back to customizing Salesforce to work for your sales and customer-info needs. There’s no need to build an overly detailed dashboard or create a report for every possible function (revisit the title of this blog!). The data that’s relevant to your business drives what level of Salesforce makes sense for your team.

Craving Customization?

If you’re struggling to make Salesforce work for you, contact Better Partners. Milwaukee is home but we consult nationwide to customize Salesforce for your needs.

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